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NEW! X-country. yee por's birthday dinner.

nationalopti mgsizzlers 3i'06/4i'07 considerthischarity(:
aaron aggy alex alyssa akau ambrose amelyn andy becs benkheng bev bevshaddick bryan cecilia choey dahlia daniella darryl david debbie denise desiree elah elaine elfie ernie esther evan eve faith faris felix genia hannah iggy jerry joel jolene jon jonathan jov joy kerry keshia khoonnie kimo kim leon lexy liany lionel lionelmyles lizhen MAH maki manda MANDY(: mandy michhy mike ming mummy! nabilah nad nah nat nessa psoh qing rachael rachel richard samONG samWISE sandra sarah scott serene sharlynn sher sonya stace steph stine tim val xavier yihong yongsie yongsie zhiwai

Monday, May 21, 2007 7:38 pm


i've moved back to xanga.

i only used xanga momentarily, but sure. BACK. yes, i've moved back. [i keep wanting to type moved as mooved. shrugg.]


4:46 pm

on wednesday, i'm gonna bake my baby cupcakes(: it's insane when the last time i baked them was. aside from that time when i kinda dollopped(sp?) the remaining cake batter into mini cupcake tins and gave 'em to like dah, stace and son. yeah. that kinda doesn't count. it wasn't premeditated.
i'll let my much loved guinea pigs do some tasting(: REALLY, I LOVE THEM(: anyway, maybe i shall really pursure my crazy ideas. HEHH. i can imagine. salty and crisp tater chips with a sweet outer shell of rich chocolate. MMHMMM(: that sounds yummy. well, i guess we'll have to see. if i actually dare to present cupcakes topped off with such a "garnish". WELL, royce does so just fine, and i guess they're making a profit. but whether they'll go well with cupcakes, that's a totally different story. i'm thinking.. white chocolate cupcakes with milk chocolate buttercream and topped off with a chip coated in dark chocolate. the progressiveness in taste seems nice. though in actual fact on one eats them by the "layers". but it seems nice anyway(:

i'll take things as they come and go.

i'm feeling terribly lazy. and well, i dont quite want to go for a run. but well, I REALLY SHOULD. especially so as i haven't really ran in over a week. yeah. i feel like a blob of lard. really. i feel ugh. but well, i'm so sleepy. and i really should do some "work/school-related" stuff. [yeah right, anything to talk myself out of running. no such luck.] but yeah. i guess i'll be a good girl and go for my run, and i might as well pick up the cupcake ingredients i need. I REALLY WONDER WHETHER THESE CUPCAKES'LL BE A FLOP. cause well, usually, when i try something out for the first time, they don't work out all that well. but then again, maybe that's just me.

allow me to digress. GOOGLE KEEPS SAYING THAT WHAT I ENTERED LOOKS LIKE IT WAS BY A COMPUTER OR SOMETHING. and gee. i only typed in google.com into the url thingy anyway. HOW ODD IS THAT? not to mention that it's really annoying. for some reason, i dont quite like using yahoo. i have no idea why. IT'S REALLY WEIRD. [not that yahoo's weird, it's just that i prefer google, though they're so similar, i have strange needs.]

anyway, i needa find myself a recipe for milk chocolate frosting. apparently, i'm going to follow through with my totally insane idea!(: HAHA. that'll be sweet(: well, i have lotsa cupcakes to bake this week. well, not realy. my normal ones, and some for manda's sis. yupp. but that's all i've gotta do. I REALLY WANNA TRY THE MARMALADE PANTRY'S CUPCAKES. they're like $5 each, right? or something like that. that's what my aunt tells me. but well, they honestly don't look all that appealling. the cupcake cases look so manhandled and tampered with, as if they're months old. then again, i'm a sucker for pristine presentation. [contradictingly so, i feel that every cupcake in a display case should have some sort of flaw in the shape of the blob of frosting. casue otherwise, they look too machenical(sp?) and machine made. not my sorta thangg.] but yes. i like my delicate cupcake cups to be in considerably presentable condition, thank you. YUPP. but okay, for the sake of trying things out, and well, tasting lovely things which fill my stomach, i'm gonna get mum to bring me there on sunday or something. maybe before kickboxing or whatever. MORE LIKE WHENEVER I HAVE TIME. now that i've got sailing on saturdays, i'm suddenly much "less-free". or whatever. yes. i'm busier. not that i mind, cause i dont do much anyway.

you totally wouldn't believe it. for the first time in years, i actually passed chinese!

i got a B3 babyy!!(:

so what if i got 65% on the dot? the point is that i didn't fail, and i even got a B3. THAT'S AMAZING, it really is(: and yeahhh. i got like 43.5/70 for the paper, which in my mind, is pretty darn good. especially considering my competence in the language(: YAY ME! alright, the deal is that the paper was easy and that well, they marked lieniently(sp?). only 2 people in the level failed. and i'm proud to say that i aint one of them. [majorly no offence to those who did fail. but really, i would totally be in that club if it were any other test.] I'M HAPPY WITH MY RESULTS. the amazing this is that i actually think i may like well, be counting chinese for one of my extra subjects this time round, for like midyears. cause chemistry aint looking all too bright for me, as of now. AND I'M REAL BUMMED THAT WE DIDN'T GET OUR ENGLISH RESULTS. i was kinda looking forward to seeing what i got. not that i think i'm gonna do well, REALLY. but i justlike getting english results. alright, i admit that it's mainly cause i do relatively well, but this time, i doubt so. but it'll be interesting. CHEM'S A REAL DRAG. i think i'm so gonna fial, cause i like dont elaborate enough on stuff. and i constantly leave out the details. like seriously! that's not funny. AND I'M REAL BUMMED ABOUT THAT. alright, so chem aint exactly one of my strong points, but i think that i can do reasonably for it. i'm really not expecting an A, especially not this time round. I HOPE TO PASS. [it's kinda funny how things change in the blink of an eye.]

i can only hope that i'll do well for my other subjects.

that reminds me, we've so gotta write our little thank you note. TALK ABOUT LONG OVERDUE!!!

i really don't wanna run, i dont wanna run!!!! BUT I HAVE TO. did i forget to mention that i downed half a tub of ben&jerry's turtle soup icecream just now at like 3 o'clock? HMMM... apparently not. OH WELL, JUST ANOTHER REASON TO GO FOR A NICE LONG RUN. i think 7.2's a good enough number, hopefully. MAYBE 8. [but i seriously doubt it. i'm the epitome of a lazy loaf of bread.] why bread? i just like bread. OOOHHHHH! SPEAKING OF WHICH, CINNAMON ROLLS!!!(: lovely.

for the record, it ended up being less than 3.
GEE. i'm a lazy arse.

Sunday, May 20, 2007 11:26 am

i like new blogger and it's "saving-ness".

I WENT SAILING YESTERDAY! like oh my gosh. do you know how odd that was?!

but okay, i want to watch episode 22 or heroes, so i really should like get a move on. just wanna thank papergoat for like teaching me how to rig a byte all over again. HAHAHA. yes, i forget. (at least i'm better than val! she like forgot after a month of sailing. tskk!) hahaha. and well, to double l for totally saving my butt and helping me get a trolley. AND WELL, i suppose mumm's included. for the sole reason of laughing at me in my bro's miniscule life jacket.



obviously you weren't the first,
oh, you are a total hypocrite, aren't you? why am i not surprised. gee. i wonder whether the dead girl talks :D

MOVING ON, (cause i'd really not want to waste my precious time on sorry-ass-losers.) i was like so darn tired this morning when i woke up for church. i was really like dying. everything felt as though it weighed a trillion tons. so yeah. before church, we went to fetch dave, as usual... and well, everything was quite ordinary. till well, faith had to go sign up for church camp, so becky choey and i went with. and well, while waiting for faith to finish filling in the form, weien walked over. [squish said he went for some (insert word here)-thon thingy.] ANYWAY, that boy needs to get longer shorts. i think i was left permanently scarred. but yes, it was terribly amusing, indeed.

after church, came home and pigged out on sandwiches. a plain old cheese sandwich, and another one with cinnamon sugar. squishy said my cheese sandwich was BORING. hurhurrrr! but since she's squish, she's forgivenn. HEH. (that's the epitome of uber retarded shennanigans, or however you spell that amusing word.) LET ME DIGRESS: I'M IN A REAL FOUL MOOD RIGHT NOW. AND THE WORLD WONDERS WHY, NOT. watched my beloved episode 22. YES! i can't wait for wednesday to swing on by(: THE FINALE!! that's like the biggest deal in telly-related-things in the longest while.

cabbed down to mandrin for kickboxing. poo and bev were mia. well, yeah. poo's got cip and bev was sick. DANGGG. get well soon bev!!(: SO YES, IT WAS JUST SQUISH AND I. and well, that adorable japanese lady(: she's seriously the cutest thing, she was all like saying that she was old and stuff, but she really doesn't look it. SHE'S QUITE AMUSING(: and well, there was this other dude, whom i have never met before, who like goes for kickboxing on wednesday nights or something. HMM. maybe that's why i've never seen him ever. YES, that makes sense. ANYWAY, he brought his son along!(: his son's so cute. he's like only three years old or something. and he was like squatting in front of the door, and like kinda dozed off in that position. it was really amusing(: and absolutely the most adorable thing on earth(: HEHHH. [awwww, i really like little kids, they are so sweet!! :D] yupp. and that was it. after kickboxing, i went to taka to grab water. i forgot to bring my darned bottle along. prrffft! and well, yeah. i had this strange craving for chinchow, and well, since the lovely chinchow stall aint there no more, i bought canned chinchow. like the one by yeo's, or like seasons or something. IT SUCKS, when compared to the nice chinchow. grrr. i need august to swing on by. so yeah. i took 7 home, as usual.

at home, i folded my sail. we were like drying it cause i didnt quite dry it properly at nsc yesterday, not that i intended to or anything. then well, i actually attempted to bake cookies. FOR SOME REASON, I CAN'T BAKE COOKIES. i think there's something wrong with my farenheight(sp?) conversions. DANG IT. but it's okay, problem'll be resolved soon, hopefully.

I WANT TO SSSLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPP. gahhh. oh well, the time'll come soon.

anyway, on the way home from town today, i saw the POTC ad at some bus stop along the way. AND I'M LIKE UBER STOKEDD!!(: oh yeahhh. i really can't wait for thursday(: i hope the movie's gonna be real good!(: OH YES YES YES!!! apparently, russ is gonna catch the film on thurday too. well, yeah. it only makes sense. THAT STUPID BOY IS LEAVING FOR FRANCE AND ITALY ON FRIDAY. like do you know how darn jealous i am?! I WANT TO GO TO FRANCE AND ITALY. geeepeeerrrsss! he's like going to monaco and like st tropez(sp?) and stuff. that is so darn unfair. and well, since i'm princess caroline of monaco, HURHURRR(: i think i should actually venture down to that awesome place sometime, shouldn't i? WELL, at least eventually!! but yes. that annoying brother of mine goes far far away, to some real prettyful place, ONCE AGAIN. and i'm stuck here, doing less than wonderful things. HMM... yes, studying for Os is totally included): [though i suppose it only makes sense, cause i slacked off majorly for mids.] anyway, I WANT TO GO TO MONACO!!(: BUT GRR. no such luck): anyway, that lil' globe trotter better bring something home for me. YEAHHH. something nice. at the beginning of the year, when russ was in brazil, he didn't get me havianas. they were like so darn cheap too!!! OH WELL, apparently, there weren't ladies sizes, though there's a possibility russ lied to me. but naw, i shall give him the benefit of the doubt, obviously, since he's my brother and all that. i think i'm gonna miss him :D

chinese Os are coming up, i'm only hoping to pass. REALLY. mjr freak out wrthy!!!!(: [THAT IS THE ONE AND ONLY LINE WHERE I FEEL TAHT TYPING IN SHORTFORMS OR WHATEVER IS EVEN ANYWHERE CLOSE TO ACCEPTABLE. why? i have no idea.]


Friday, May 18, 2007 9:34 pm

the only thing better than a grilled cheese sandwich is a

grilled fried cheese (and ham) sandwich(:

Thursday, May 17, 2007 2:44 pm

oh whatever. i had this real long thing about my cupcake-related endeavour today.

i'm kinda peeved, hence the short forms or whatever.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007 8:57 pm

now, what was i gonna say, again?

i think my memory is well, very bad. i think the whole "spending-your-days-watching-television" thing is really getting to me. UH OH. well, not that i'll really need the help of my memory in conquering tomorrow's amath test. this whole "being-sick" thing is not doing me any good. firstly, i'm always hacking away, and am in some sort of discomfort, in whatever form it may take. but yes, DISCOMFORT NONE THE LESS. and well, it has made me stray away from studying. and although tomorrow's paper is unduly amath. and well, all i need is a little practice, i'm certain that things could be going far better, preparation-wise at least.

but alright, i could say i did something productive, or other, today. yes. i baked. REST ASSURED YOU WILL BE FREE OF GERMS AND OTHER NONSENSE BACTERIA. i'm a cautious person and there is no way i want to put anyone else through such terrible terrible circumstances. yes, you can relax(: yupp! baked the batch of 21 for genia(: and i must add that i think i frosted them rather well. hmmm. yes, considering how i haven't quite well, actually properly piped frosting in like well, a million years. SO YES, i think i did a relatively good job. [pardon my egotistic nature.] this time, i really do have to indulge my selfish ambition. (well, whatever that means(:)


Monday, May 14, 2007 9:17 pm

my finger aint much better. and green gloubles of crud are continually spewing from my nasal cavity. i dont see how that's comforting.

i can't type properly without my finger hurting.

i want this all to end.

i'm real dead for chem. blasted flu thang prevented me from studying. i hate this. but i can only blame myself. i'm like a cow. i slept for 5 and a half hours today, like after i got back from school. i dreamt about how horrid chem paper 2 was. i think i'm starting to lose all sanity.

sailing. oh sailing.
training commences on saturday.
i'm terribly insecure.

oh mr martin,
a revival<3

Sunday, May 13, 2007 5:54 pm

i cut my finger
and it hurts like crap

the cross between numbness and sudden rushes of blood are killing me. i'm suffering, i really am. knives are stupid things. i'm in such great pain, i think i'm gonna short circuit. i checked my physics paper one answers, i got like 23/40. not exactly what i was hoping for. i feel sad and somewhat lost. i really ought to be studying, but based on the current circumstances, i guess this is as good an excuse as any to not to. I REALLY WISH I WASN'T SO CARELESS. and well, the fact that we just bought a new set of knives doesn't help the situation much. all in all, today's been a crapped up day.

the only good thing that happened today was that i woke up early enough to go for a short run before church. a short run which really should've been far longer. kinda got sturck with the so-called-flu-bug. and well, yeah. slept for hours after coming home from church. before that, i had brunch with my mum and bro at o'briens. the service totally sucks. but sure. then yes, after my nap, i had 3 bowls of cereal and then starte with the whole salmon thing. and that's how i ended up with the massive gash in my finger. cutting lemons.


this is how it ended up. and now i've got less than half an hour to clear my crap from the house before mum gets home. CRUD.

mother's day, aye?